Daily Personal Activities

Daily Personal Activities

Daily personal activities are your daily tasks on your own and are essential to your health and well-being. They can be things like cleaning and cooking, shopping, getting to appointments and going out with friends.

How does Daily Personal Activities Work?

A Support Coordinator will help you decide what activities are best for you and what support you need to accomplish them. You can choose from various services, including information on how to access them and training on how to use them effectively. The support coordinator will work with you to:

  • Discuss your goals for daily living and identify activities that may be beneficial for achieving those goals
  • Plan what supports will be needed for each activity over time
  • Identify who will provide those supports (e.g., family members, community resources)

Dreams Alive Care offers daily personal activities services to NDIS participants. Our services ensure independence and freedom to do what you want without worrying about the cost or logistics of getting a support worker to help.

How to Start?


Call Us or Apply Online


Meet Our Team


Determine the Goals


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